Do you ever wonder, ‘how’? How is this going to happen? How is that going to happen? How can we afford to do that? We have all been caught up in the “how’s” of life at one time, or another. Then question I have is why do we get so tied up over the “how’s” when we should be more focused on the “what’s” that we want?

Now I know that for some of you I may have just pushed your button and you’re saying, ‘Tim, you’ve lost it.” No, really. Think about it for a minute. Please, bear with me a second and really use your mind here for a minute, and think.

Did the Wright brothers know how they were going to build an airplane or how they were going to fly? Or did they just “know” they were going to fly. Did Henry Ford know how he was going to get the V8 engine that he wanted or did he just know that he was going to get it? Did Thomas Edison know how he was going to illuminate the world with his incandescent light bulb? See, they didn’t know the ‘how,’ they only knew that they what they wanted and then they took action. Through a trial and error process they did what they needed to do to figure out the “how” to do it. They knew “what” they wanted first then over time figured out the “how.”

In other words, they weren’t feeding the C.A.T. about why it wouldn’t work. They only focused on the end results of “what” they wanted and didn’t quit until they had it. All of their thoughts and all of their energy was on producing a result. Now, let’s be honest about it, a lot of the results that they produced, were not the desired results. But see, they didn’t look at is as failure. They looked at it as an opportunity to learn how to not do it. There was an opportunity to learn what did not work. And instead of feeding the C.A.T, they focused on the positive. “OK, that one didn’t work, I’ll come up with another way.”

See, they didn’t know the ‘how’ they just focused on “what” they wanted. They knew they were going to do it. What if you did the same thing in your life? Instead of worrying about “how” to do it, spend your time focusing on “what” you want and then go out and do not quit until you figured out.

When we get too caught up in the “how’s” of life we tend to allow our focus to be on lack and limiting beliefs. All the reasons why something won’t work, won’t happen. Instead, focus on “what” you want and don’t let the roadblocks and challenges of life (and, trust me, there will be roadblocks and challenges) stop you from achieving “what” you truly want from life. So what we want to do is make sure that we feed the positive energy – the positive thoughts, not the C.A.T.s.

This is Tim Burgess.

Don’t feed the C.A.T.

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