Have you ever heard that “Money is the root of all evil.”? Do you believe it yourself? I have to apologize, but, no, it’s not. The love of money is the root of all evil. I believe that’s what it says. But money actually is a very, very important tool in the toolbox of life. Let’s just be open about it for a minute.

There’s nothing bad about money, unless, you use money to do bad things. But what if you want a lot of money so that you can give a lot of it away. See, you can’t give $100,000 to a charitable organization if you only earn $40,000. See, money is a very necessary thing in our life. And really, money is nothing more than an idea. That’s really all it is. So let’s get rid of the negative thoughts that we might have about money. Let’s give it up. Let them go.

Have you ever noticed that the only time you really focus on money is usually when you don’t have any? Most people who have a lot of money don’t even think about it. It’s just there. They do what they want, when they want, how they want with who they want. They go where they want. They vacation where they want. They have total freedom – time freedom and money freedom. And the people that don’t have money say, “Having money is not that important to me.”

You know what? A lot of the rich people out there are the ones who are giving to the charitable organizations. Just look at your own city wherever you might be. You probably have some sort of a food pantry. You probably have some sort of a ministry that maybe gives a lot of goods overseas and things like that. If somebody doesn’t have enough money to buy those things to give, those people won’t have any charitable institutions, there’s nothing, it’s all dried up.

So once and for all, let’s get rid of the idea that money is bad. Money is not bad. I have a person in my life and I talk openly about money. I am not afraid of money, I talk openly about the amount of money on a yearly basis that I desire, that I truly see myself earning. Notice I said ‘earning.’ And this person said, “Oh my gosh, think of all the hassles you will have with the taxes and things like that if you have all that money!” And I talked to myself, “Does this person not realize that you can hire an accountant? Does this person not realize that you can hire somebody to take care of that for you?”

See, they’re programmed that money’s bad. But, like I said earlier money is not bad. Money is a necessary tool in the toolbox of life. I simply ask you, when it comes to money – what are you giving your thoughts to? Are you focused on the fact that maybe you don’t have enough to live the way you truly wish to live or are you focusing on getting what you want? In other words, which thoughts are you giving energy to?

This is Tim Burgess.

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